Talia and Zach
B’nei Mitzvah
Schedule Details

Talia and Zach’s B’nei Mitzvah has been rescheduled to Saturday, November 26th, 2011 

Saturday, November 26th,2011
4:30-6:00 PM:      Services at the Jewish Community of Japan
                                    8-8 Hiroo 3-Chome, Shibuya-ku
                                    Tokyo, Japan

6:30-10:00 PM:   Evening Party at Tokyo American Club
                                    2-1-2 Azabudai, Minato-ku
                                    Tokyo, Japan

Transportation will be provided from the Synagogue to the Tokyo American Club

Good Things are Worth Waiting For!
We look forward to seeing you!  
Call us at 612-216-4090 if you have any questions.
See You in May!
Harrison, Rachel, Talia, Zach and Mayim

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